Established in 1986, Sparta started out manufacturing components and repairing textile machinery for businesses in Bandung. This later grew to include automotive equipment for two and four wheeled vehicles in early 1995.
The production portfolio and includes more mechanical components such as pins, bushes and shafts for a variety of industries.
As part of Sparta's continual growth a second factory located in Kutawaringin, Kabupaten Bandung was opened in 2019. Over the course of three decades, Sparta has maintained a high level of customer satisfaction and is ISO 9001:2015 certified.
Sparta's future is built upon a foundation of trust and loyalty through consistent high-quality service and by providing solutions expected from an industrial component manufacturer.
Explore our workTo drive innovation and provide expert services to the general public, customers and employees in order to grow and become a group that guarantees high value products and quality service every time.
Jl. Raya Dayeuhkolot No. 170, Citeurep, Kec. Dayeuhkolot, Bandung, Jawa Barat 40258
Jl. Soreang Cipatik Soreang 33-39